Testing for Lyme is notoriously difficult. The current NHS Serraspot test is not comprehensive enough and there are thousands of people suffering with Lyme disease but who test negative through this test. As such, we have created a multi-tiered examination process that minimises the likelihood of getting a false negative.
Here was the experience of one or our patients who came to us after 8 years with Chronic fatigue...
''After 8 and a half years of struggling I have finally got a diagnosis:
* I have Lyme disease. *
This is the third time I've been tested for Lyme - I had to push for the first two like I've had to push and pay for so many dead-ends.''
This is a story that we come across all too often. It was not until we ran a comprehensive screening process that we were able to get the diagnosis that this patient required to be able to choose the correct support protocol.
The following highlights the process in order for you to best investigate and test for Lyme and any co-infections that you may have. It is this model that has brought is the best success rate in clinic.
We have 3 questionnaires that we get every new patient to fill out so that we have an idea of the extent and type of symptoms being experienced.
On receipt of the questionnaires, we will run the results through an algorithm that will highlight the most likely co-infections that you are carrying.
Take the first of these questionnaires now...
We meet and review your questionnaires. We can do this for you in clinic or via skype. We can then make an informed decision about what tests should be run specific to your symptoms and goals.
The signs and symptoms that you highlight on the questionnaires and in consultation will be the deciding factor on which a test choice will be made.
After identifying the likelihood of an ongoing Lyme infection or one of the co-infections we will then choose the most relevant blood tests for you to carry out.
We will schedule an appointment for you to come to the clinic where we can carry out the test for you or refer you to one of the many phlebotomy clinics across the country.
Lyme is often called “The Great Imitator” because it has the exact profile as many other conditions. A real tell-tale sign is when you have received multiple tests for different conditions, but, everything keeps coming back clear. Symptoms include:
Joint pain that migrates.
Muscle pain that Migrates.
Tingling, numbness and/or burning in the extremities.
Chronic Fatigue or TATT - 'Tired All The Time'.
Upper back and neck stiffness.
Difficulties with concentration & focus and often Headaches.
Short term memory tends to be very poor.
Writing and or speech difficulties.
A difficulty with sleeping too much or too little.
The majority of Lyme patients will express some or many of these symptoms.
The five biggest signs are:
More than one symptom (Fill out the questionnaire linked above).
Symptoms come and go (Good day and bad days).
Body pain that migrates.
Menstrual issues that worsen before, during and after.
Antibiotics either improve symptoms or make symptoms worse.
Frequently “The Great Imitator” is misdiagnosed as:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (95% of CFS patients test positive for Lyme).
Fibromyalgia (A very common misdiagnosis).
Multiple Sclerosis.
Autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia, scleroderma, hashimotos etc. etc.).
Dementia, Parkinsons and Autism.
Psychiatric Conditions such as schizophrenia, chronic anxiety and or depression.
The consultation and questionnaires are important because we have to differentiate if it is Lyme or one of the co-infections.
The list of co-infections includes but is not limited to...
Borellia Burgdoferi
Borellia Miyamotoi
Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes Simplex 2
Epstein-Barr Virus
Candida Albians
Aspergillus peptide mix 1 & 2
**there are many more
Coinfections are very common in our patients that test positive for Lyme. A recently published survey which looked at over 3000 patients with known Lyme disease showed that
50% had coinfections
A further 30% reported having had two or more coinfections.
The most common coinfections are listed above. When we take on a complex patient whom we think may have Lyme we take great care not to miss any of the co-infections that may be present.
Similar rates of co-infections were found in a separate Canadian study.
This is one of the big reasons why Lyme is so difficult to treat with antibiotics as they cannot deal with the co-infections.

We try and make the process as easy as possible for every client. We have linked the first questionnaire for you to fill out.
Fill this at home and if you have a score above 21, then get in touch with the clinic for a consultation.